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UCAIug > Meetings > CIGRE 2014 > Discussion Board > What would you like to seedemonstrate on the UCA booth  

Discussion Board

Edited: 5/8/2014 3:11 AM
Picture Placeholder: marijn.flohil
What would you like to see or demonstrate on the UCA booth?
Currently, participants have indicated that they are interest in two main topics:

1. Engineering enhancements based on the results from the Interoperability demonstration in Munich.
2. PRP/HSR and PTP.

Which of these topics would you like to see on the UCA booth and what would you like to see or demonstrate in the UCA booth? (E.g. I would like to demonstrate engineering enhancements in my SCL configuration tool, my SCL tool now uses parameters X and Y to determine the correct value for setting Z to prevent issue N that was identified during the interoperability demonstration in Munich.) 
Posted: 5/8/2014 5:14 AM
Picture Placeholder: alberto.huidobro
My impression is that at the beginning of this meeting series there was a poll to see the interest of the participants in some topics. PRP/HSR was one of the most demanded. Afterwards the list of topics was left open for everybody to participate and not to oblige anybody.
My conclusion was that at least those topics that the participants were interested in were not going to be excluded, if their interest continues.
We are interested, as we said in the first poll, in PRP/HSR and PTP.
The customers can see this topic as a confirmation that this new technology is becoming more and more mature and give them more confidence. Here is where I see the benefits of this activity.
Posted: 5/8/2014 6:59 AM
Picture Placeholder: marijn.flohil

The presentation of an interoperability demo for HSR-PRP-PTP is too early for many companies. Products should be presented, not prototypes: we know it works. It was suggested to make it a major topic in CIGRE 2016.

Hubert Kirrman

Posted: 5/8/2014 8:06 AM
Picture Placeholder: Shaoqian.Hu
Hello everybody, we are from NR electric. We prefer to demonstrate PRP/HSR. Although it had been shown in Paris in 2012, but this time we care more about its usage in processing bus. IEC61850-90-4 has depicted more network technique in details, particularly for high reliable and time-critical usage. PTP over HSR/PRP maybe too early for mass protection. But the interoperability of processing bus maybe attractive. 

Posted: 5/9/2014 5:18 AM
Picture Placeholder: maciej.goraj

By showing PTP at UCA booth at CIGRE 2014 we would be sending a wrong message to the market. The reality is that still some modifications to the standard need to be made in order to ensure interoperability in case of PTP over PRP and HSR. This will be solved in the new Amendement to IEC 62439 that will clearly define the operation of doubly attached clocks. Implementations and prototypes exist today, but UCA should promote standards based solutions.

Therefore I vote for showing PRP and/or HSR but NOT for showing PTP.


Posted: 5/12/2014 3:11 AM
Picture Placeholder: marijn.flohil
ZIV would be interested to collaborate with the PRP/HSR demonstration by means of a RedBox (ZIV Communications), PRP in protection relays and Process Bus (ZIV GRID).
